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This library provides states, components and helpers to simplify management of data loaded from remote services or computed from any source.

To use it, simply add provideNgssmData() in app.config.ts.

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [


This library is provided as a replacement of ngssm-remote-data.


This library is currently under development.

Data Source

A data source is defined as:

    class NgssmDataLoading~TData, TParameter~{
        loadData(state:State, parameter?: TParameter = undefined, additionalProperty?:string = undefined): Observable<TData>
    class NgssmDataSource~TData, TParameter~{
        key: string
        dataLifetimeInSeconds?: number

    NgssmDataSource --> NgssmDataLoading
  • key: unique identifer of the data source;
  • dataLifetimeInSeconds: lifetime of the stored data in seconds;
  • loadData: a function used to load the data. The parameter is optional.

The data source must be registered with the function provideNgssmDataSource.

const dataLoader:NgssmDataLoading<string[], number> = (state:State, parameter?:number, additionalProperty?:string) : Observable<string[]> => {
    const query = selectMyQuery(state);
    return inject(HttpClient).post<string[]>(`${baseUrl}/${parameter}`, query);

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
    provideNgssmDataSource('doc:example:data', dataLoader, 6000);

A data source could also be added by using the action NgssmRegisterDataSource. It could then be removed with the action NgssmUnregisterDataSource.

The value of a data source is stored in state as NgssmDataSourceValue

    class NgssmDataSourceValueStatus{

    note for NgssmDataSourceValueStatus "notRegistered is used when we try to get value for a not registered data source"

    class NgssmDataSourceValue~TData, TParameter~{
        status: NgssmDataSourceValueStatus
        value?: TData
        parameter?: TParameter
        lastLoadingDate?: Date

    class NgssmDataSourceAdditionalPropertyValue~TProperty~{
        status: NgssmDataSourceValueStatus
        value?: TProperty
        lastLoadingDate?: Date

    NgssmDataSourceValue --> "*" NgssmDataSourceAdditionalPropertyValue

Additional properties of a data source

Sometimes, some properties of the data source are not loaded at the same time as the data source itself. It's the case when we want to load detail part only when the user asks for it.

It can be retrieved by

const value:NgssmDataSourceValue = selectNgssmDataSourceValue(state, 'doc:example:data');

Additional properties could be retirved from the data source value or by

const propertyValue:NgssmDataSourceAdditionalPropertyValue = selectNgssmDataSourceAdditionalPropertyValue(state, 'doc:example:data', propertyName);


Some actions are provided by the library to manage the data source.

export enum NgssmDataActionType {
  // Used by the library to initialize all the data sources provided by the application
  registerDataSources = '[NgssmDataActionType] registerDataSources',

  // Could be used by the application to register or unregister a data source.
  // This can be used, for example, to limit the lifetime of a data source to the lifetime of a component
  registerDataSource = '[NgssmDataActionType] registerDataSource',
  unregisterDataSource = '[NgssmDataActionType] unregisterDataSource',

  // Used to call the loading method to get the value for the data source
  loadDataSourceValue = '[NgssmDataActionType] loadDataSourceValue',

  // Update the parameter used by the loading method, if one is required
  setDataSourceParameter = '[NgssmDataActionType] setDataSourceParameter',

  // Used to partially update the parameter. Usefull when creating a search component with multiple search criteria.
  updateDataSourceParameter = '[NgssmDataActionType] updateDataSourceParameter',

  // Update only the validity of the parameter. Usefull in case of a partial update of the parameter.
  setDataSourceParameterValidity = '[NgssmDataActionType] setDataSourceParameterValidity',

  // Clear the stored value associated to a data source
  clearDataSourceValue = '[NgssmDataActionType] clearDataSourceValue',

  // Store the value for a given data source
  setDataSourceValue = '[NgssmDataActionType] setDataSourceValue',

  // Call the loading method to get the value for an additional property of the data source
  loadDataSourceAdditionalPropertyValue = '[NgssmDataActionType] loadDataSourceAdditionalPropertyValue',

  // Store the value for an additional property of the data source
  setDataSourceAdditionalPropertyValue = '[NgssmDataActionType] setDataSourceAdditionalPropertyValue'
store.dispatchAction(new NgssmLoadDataSourceValueAction('doc:example:data', { forceReload: true }));
store.dispatchAction(new NgssmSetDataSourceParameterAction('doc:example:data', 567));
store.dispatchAction(new NgssmClearDataSourceValueAction('doc:example:data'));
store.dispatchAction(new NgssmSetDataSourceValueAction('doc:example:data', NgssmDataSourceValueStatus.loaded, ['val1', 'val2']));


NgssmSetDataSourceValueAction should not be called by the application. This action is used by the library after the execution of the data source loading function.


NgssmRegisterDataSourcesAction is used to register a list of data sources.

At startup, the library registers itself the sources provided with the method provideNgssmDataSource.

The action could be dispatch by the application when source is not known at startup or needs not to be defined at startup.

If NgssmRegisterDataSourcesAction is dispatched for a data source already registered, nothing is done by the library.


In case we need to reload the value of a data source when going to a given page, we can use the function ngssmLoadDataSourceValue.

export const myRoutes:Routes = [
        path: 'example',
        component: ExampleComponent,
        canActivate : [
            ngssmLoadDataSourceValue('doc:example:data', false)

The function will simply inject the store and dispatch the action NgssmLoadDataSourceValueAction.


The pipe isNgssmDataSourceValueStatus is provided to allow updating the ui according to the status of a given data source value.

@if ( store.state() | isNgssmDataSourceValueStatus:'doc:example:data':'loading') {
<p>The data is being loaded</p>
} @else if ( store.state() | isNgssmDataSourceValueStatus:'doc:example:data':'loaded':'error'){
<div>Display the data</div>


  • ngssm-data-reload-button

  • used to reload a list of data sources;

  • inputs:

    • dataSourceKeys: string[] => the keys of the data sources managed by the button;
    • keepAdditionalProperties: boolean => if true, additional properties are not cleared when reloading data;
    • buttonIcon: string => css class to override default reload icon.